Over 1000 miles of trail available to explore, and more added each day!

Aicher Preserve

Walk through a beautiful field and slightly wooded area with two separate ponds.
Trail Activity
Hiking Walking Cross-country skiing Mountain biking Horseback riding
1.2 miles, Network
Packed Earth/Dirt, Grass
Permitted on leash


From the high point of the Aicher Preserve, elevation 505 feet, one has striking views of the surrounding countryside. Below are a splendid hayfield, cornfields, and woodlands, all part of the preserve. A small lake and an alder shaded stream form the headwaters of Bark Meadow Brook. Bobolinks return from their winter home in Argentina to nest on the preserve and rear their young in the hayfield, which is not mowed until later in the season. Migrant waterfowl rest and feed on the lake and Great Crested Flycatchers call in the woodlands. American Kestrels, Tree Swallows, and Eastern Bluebirds also nest on the preserve, and Woodcock can be seen doing their courting display in the spring.

To enter the preserve, you should park on Freedley Road and enter through the farm gate, which is usually open. A cornfield is to your left, and the lake will appear to your right as you proceed. You can turn right into a network of woods roads or continue straight ahead and over the dam. Follow the tree line to either the right or the left.

The 20.5-acre Holzer parcel occupies the eastern half of a swamp lying on the westerly side of Harrisville Road opposite the Aicher Preserve. The Holzer Preserve is traversed by a small brook, and a beaver dam at the northern end is currently out. Entry to the Preserve is from Harrisville Road. Park with caution and take note of the frequent traffic.

Tree swallows, Swamp sparrows, and Red-winged Blackbirds are known to nest here. Yellow-throated Vireo, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, and Wood Thrush have been reported here and probably nest.

The 10 acre Cole parcel was acquired in 2020.

Trail Manager

The Wyndham Land Trust aims to conserve nature in Windham County; to learn more about this trail and others, visit their website or contact:

Wyndham Land Trust, Inc.
Wyndham Land Trust, Inc.
PO Box 302
Pomfret Center, CT
View website

Trail Tips

Dispose of Waste Properly
Wash your dishes at least 200 feet away from water sources, use biodegradable soap sparingly, and scatter the dishwater.
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Trailhead Information

There are two entrances for the trail, one of which is accessed by turning onto Harrisville Road and looking for the Wyndham Land Trust sign. The other entrance is on Freedley Road, which is accessed by turning off of Woodstock Road which connects to route 44.

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