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Historic Indian Trails Park Lane Area (Woodbridge Greenway)

These trails are remnants of the Old Naugatuck Trail and The Derby Trail (historic Paugusset Indian Trail). Today one can use the trails to enjoy the natural and historic beauty of Woodbridge, as well as great views. The northern part of the Naugatuck Trail and Old Derby Trail offer an easy walk, while the southern part of this area includes some advanced to strenuous climbs.
Trail Activity
Hiking Bicycling Cross-country skiing
4.6 miles, Network
Moderate, Advanced, Strenuous
Packed Earth/Dirt, Rock/Ledge
Permitted on leash


The trails lead through historic Indian Lands. Many arrowheads, spearpoints, and artifacts have been found here. It is believed that there is an Indian burial ground somewhere in the vicinity. The Mack and Sills American Indian Families, part of the Paugasset Tribe, have lived in the Park Lane, Krum Elbow area for generations.

As part of the Woodbridge Greenway, coming from Racebrook Estates, access this trail system from Pease Road, and turn east onto the Eversource gravel way. At the fork, keep following the gravel way straight ahead until it bends north. From here, the options are either to turn north on the gravel way and make a loop onto the Naugatuck trail back to the bend; or keep going east to meet Burma Road.

Alternatively, at the first fork, take the connector trail to meet the Naugatuck Trail farther south. About midway to Park Lane/ Old Derby Trail, the Yellow Trail splits off through the woods in northeast direction, which goes to an old foundation of a gristmill where grain was ground between a round stone and an anvil shaped stone. The Yellow Trail eventually meets Old Derby Trail near Amity Road.

Continuing on the Naugatuck Trail instead will lead to the intersection with Park Lane/ Old Derby Trail. After crossing Park Lane, the Naugatuck trail ascends onto Big Boulder, a huge glacial erratic believed by many to be the largest in Connecticut.

From the top of the ridge, the White Trail branches off to the northeast.  Another old stone foundation can be found along the White Trail, which then sharply doglegs to the left going under the power lines to another glacial erratic. From the end of Krum Elbow, the White Trail will connect with Old Derby Trail (red blazed), to the northern end of the Yellow Trail, and eventually to Amity Road.

Following the Naugatuck Trail southwards instead leads to the southern trailhead near the overpass of Rt. 15 over Rt. 243/ Fountain Street. This last stretch alongside the highway cut offers a splendid view across New Haven Sound, West Rock and East Rock. 

Other Information

  • This area is for passive recreation only: hiking, bicycling, cross-country skiing. 
  • No motorized vehicles.
  • All pets must be leashed. Please bag and remove any dog waste.
  • No Littering.

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Trail Tips

Respect Wildlife
Avoid known animal mating or nesting areas during sensitive times.
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Trailhead Information

From CT Route 15 take exit 59 and turn south onto Whalley Ave (Route 69), turn left to stay on Whalley Ave (now Route 63). Turn south onto Randall St, then turn west onto Fountain St (Route 243). Follow the road until Park Lane and turn right.

On-street parking is available at the trail heads on Park Lane and Fountain Street. 

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